Ischia - Superstripes 2019

Quantum physics in Complex Matter: Superconductivity, Magnetism and Ferroelectricity

Ischia (Naples) June, 23-29 2019

See Conference website...

The Superstripes 2017 meeting continues the successful series of International meetings started with the first Stripes Conference held in Rome in 1996 following the growing high interest of the scientific International community on emergence of novel quantum phenomena in Complex Quantum Matter.

The meeting is organized by RICMASS, Rome International Center for Materials Science of Superstripes-onlus, a recognized non-profit organization based in Rome, Italy. The aim of Superstripes Institute is to foster top-level science, and culture bringing together selected leaders in the scientific field. Our mission is to provide a commons for participants of different countries and different disciplines to share ideas and to promote advances of science to contribute to solve significant challenges on a wide variety of issues of cultural and social interest.



Prof. Antonio Bianconi, RICMASS, Rome, I


Organizing Committee

Gabriel Aeppli, Paul Scherrer Institute, CH
Bernd Büchner, IFW Dresden, D
Annette Bussmann-Holder
, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, D
Guy Deutscher, Tel Aviv University, IL
Takeshi Egami
, University of Tennessee, USA
Vladimir Kresin, University of California, USA
Despina Louca, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, USA
Adriana Moreo, University of Tennessee, USA
Andrea Perali, University of Camerino, I
Kosmas Prassides, Durham University, UK
Yasutomo UemuraColumbia University, USA
Valerii Vinokur, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Jan Zaanen, University of Leiden, NL