| pag.4 CONTRIBUTION TO THE UNDERSTANDING OF PHYSICS OF HTSC | IX. Tc AMPLIFICATION IN ORDERED SUPERLATTICES OF METALLIC STRIPES ----------------------- see more by this:in Brevetto per Invenzione Industriale" Superconduttori ad alta temperatura critica costituiti da eterostrutture metalliche tendenti al limite atomico" N. 01261373 rilasciato il 20 maggio 1996, Titolare Bianconi Antonio, domanda n. 000929 anno 93 data presentanzione domanda 07 12 1993 classifica H-O1L "High Tc Superconductivity by Quantum Confinement" A. Bianconi, M. Missori J. Phys. I (France) 4, 361 (1994). ----------------------- see more by this:in "On the Possibility of New High Tc Superconductors by Producing Metal Heterostructures As In Cuprate Perovskites A. Bianconi Sol. State Commun. 89, 933 (1994) ----------------------- see more by this:in High Critical Temperature in a Superlattice of Quantum Wires by A. Bianconi, M. Missori, N. L. Saini, H.Oyanagi, H. Yamaguchi, D.H. Ha, and Y. Nishiara Journal of Superconductivity 8 (1995) 545-548 (Invited talk at the Miami workshop on high Tc superconductivity Miami Jan 5-11 1995) ----------------------- see more by this:in The Amplification of the Critical temperature by Quantm Size Effects in a Superlattice of Quantum wires A. Bianconi, M. Missori, N. L. Saini, H.Oyanagi, H. Yamaguchi, H.Oyanagi, H. Yamaguchi,Y. Nishiara D.H. Ha, and S. Della Longa Anharmonic Properties of High Tc Cuprates edited by D. Mihailovic G. Ruani E. Kaldis, K.A. Müller World Scientific Singapore (1995) pag.127-138,l Proc. of the Workshop held in Bled Sept. 1-6, 1994 ----------------------- see more by this:in Tuning of the Fermi level at the second subband of a superlattice of quantum wires in the CuO2 plane: a possible mechanism to rise the critical temperature N. L. Saini, T. Rossetti, A. Lanzara, M. Missori, A. Perali H. Oyanagi, H. Yamaguchi, Y. Nishihara, D. H. Ha, A. Bianconi Journal of Superconductivity 9 (1996) 343-348 (Proc. of the third Conf. on Phase Separation , Erice July 95) ----------------------- see more by this:in Tuning of the Fermi level at the shape resonance in a superlattice of quantum wires: a mechanism for high Tc A. Bianconi, A. Lanzara, A. Perali, T. Rossetti, N. L. Saini H. Oyanagi, Y. Nishihara, H. Yamaguchi "Spectroscopic Studies of Superconductors" SPIE proceedings (SPIE, Washington, 1996) Vol. 2696 paper 2696-104 Invited Talk at the SPIE Conference, Photonics West: San Jose Convention Center, San Jose, California ,USA, 29 January -1 February 1996, ----------------------- see more by this:in A. Perali, A. Bianconi, A. Lanzara, and N.L. Saini The Gap Amplification at the Shape Resonance in a superlattice of quantum stripes Solid State Communications 100, 181-186 (1966) A. Bianconi, A. Valletta, A. Perali, and N.L. Saini High Tc superconductivity in a superlattice of quantum stripes Solid State Commun. 102, 369-374 (1997) -----------------------see more by this:in The isotope effect in a superlattice of quantum stripes by A. Perali, A. Valletta, G. Bardelloni, A. Bianconi, A. Lanzara, N.L. Saini in J. Superconductivity 10, 355-359 (1997) ----------------------- see more by this:in Tc amplification and pseudogap at a shape resonance in a superlattice of quantum stripes by A. Valletta, G. Bardelloni, M. Brunelli, A. Lanzara, A. Bianconi, N.L. Saini J. Superconductivity 10, 383-387 (1997). ----------------------- see more by this:in Electronic and superconducting properties of a superlattice of quantum stripes at the atomic limit by A. Valletta, A. Bianconi, A. Perali, N.L. Saini Z. Phys. B 104, 707-713 (1997) ----------------------- see more by this:in Electronic Structure and Superconductvity of a striped phase at the atomic limit by A. Bianconi, A. Valletta, A. Perali, and N.L. Saini Physica C 296, 269-280 (1998) Nos. 3,4 (cover date 20 Febr. 1998) pp. 269--280. ----------------------- see more by this:in European Patent N. 0733271 "High Tc superconductors made by metal heterostuctures at the atomic limit" A. Bianconi ; granted and published on May 27 1998 in the European Patent Bulletin 98/22 (priority date 07 12 1993). |